Employment Equity In Canada Case Study

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Lovepreet Singh Student I.D.-20180088 Critical Debate #2 Employment Equity in Canada A program of dynamic, positive measures designed to strengthen the representation of employees from the four selected groups in the workplace to an extent that shows their availability in the labour market, recognize and remove hurdles in the workplace that prevent these group members from getting jobs, promotions, incentives, etc. The four groups that fall under the category of employment equity in Canada are as follows: - 1. Women 2. Aboriginal Peoples: persons who are Indian, Inuit, Métis. 3. Visible Minorities: people who are non-Caucasian and are non-white in colour. 4. Persons with disabilities: people with long-term mental, physical, sensory…show more content…
It’s about recognizing that inequality is not always palpable and outright; sometimes it is fixed in our systems, activities, and policies. Employment equity is an enterprising way of confronting structural discrimination in the worksite. Although gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender also face employment hurdles and discrimination at the workplace but right now they are not included under employment equity quota. More information and data is needed on this group of workers like in the Census in order to diagnose whether and/or how they could be incorporated as a “designated group”. Origination of Employment Equity in Canada Employment equity’ is not a tightly defined concept. Just as there is unending argument in the U.S. as to exactly what is meant by affirmative action, Canadians are caught up in debate over exactly what employment equity means. Some proponents of employment equity argue that it is not merely Canadianism for affirmative action. Indeed, some proponents of employment equity have been…show more content…
So, this is why the employment equity is also needed to fulfill these shortage of the employees as it will give a chance to those designated groups who have been neglected despite having huge potential and most of them possess better skills than others such as visible minorities which mostly include immigrants and the majority of them highly skilled or qualified

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