Foolproof Reflection

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Foolproof creates products and services, which improve the lives of millions of people all around the world. Foolproof was started in 2002 when frankly most websites were terrible and mobile phones did little more than make calls. At that time only a handful of people in the world believed like we did, that there was a better way to design digital products and services, slowly the point of view of foolproof had prevailed. Foolproof has offices in London and Singapore, which work on experience design challenges right across the planet. Owner The Managing director, Leslie Fountain, leads Foolproof. Her approach to management is distinctive as she applies her own and the company’s values through all levels of the company. Leslie demonstrates how she expects people…show more content…
They deliberately draw people in from a wide variety of disciplines. This diversity of talent and experience helps foolproof to look at old problems in new ways or new problems with experienced eyes. It has 80 people and is Europe’s largest experience design specialist. People in foolproof come from variety of professional backgrounds but have a shared point of view about the things that matter in design, a commitment to collaboration; a curiosity about people and technology; a restless need to improve the products and services that they work on They have people in posts like client developing director, senior developer, account director, project manager, designer, consultant and many others. Accountants department Billings. A billings group assembles information from the shipping and customer order departments to create invoices that are sent to the company's customers. Collections. The accounting department is responsible for keeping track of overdue invoice payments from customers, and uses a variety of methods to extract payment from them, including dunning letters, phone calls, and attorney

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