Essay On Elderly Abuse And Neglect

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Cooper, C. (2008). The prevalence of elder abuse and neglect: a systematic review. Age and Ageing, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages151-160. This article discusses the prevalence of elderly abuse. Elderly abuse is becoming a more common issue. It is related with trouble and expanded mortality in elder individuals and caregivers. Finding the pervasiveness of abuse, executed against helpless individuals by those they depend on, is intrinsically troublesome. There are an extensive variety of predominance figures maybe on the grounds that reviews utilize diverse populations, measures, and meanings of elderly abuse. The Department of Health's direction characterized elderly abuse as an infringement of a person's human and social equality by someone…show more content…
Examples of such acts would include the theft of social security or pension checks. The use of threats against an elderly to sign documents they do not quite understand or is unfamiliar with. Examples will be having them to change their will that they already have in place and any other documents that deals with financial issues. Neglecting an elderly is a huge factor of elderly abuse. Neglect is identified as the failure of designated care giver to meet the needs of the elderly person. Neglect may be considered as intentional when a caregiver intentionally fails to take care of the dependent or harm them. Withholding information that can help them is an example. Most elderly people tend to lose their memory and rely strongly on their caregiver for information. Monnie,T.R.(2010) Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly in America This article focuses mainly on the elderly population. It states that the population is living longer than usual, so the number of elderly people is increasing. In other words, it also means the likelihood for elder abuse is extremely increasing as well. It also touched basis on the types of neglect, sexual abuse being one. Sexual abuse is when an individual shows and elderly pornographic images, and forcing them to watch sex activities. Forcing an elderly person to undress out of their clothing and making them uncomfortable is also consider as a sexual

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