Essay On Cosmopolitanism

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Culture has no colour: Cultural Amalgamation of Cosmopolitanism *M.Kalai Nathiyal and **Dr V.Malarkodi Abstract This paper surveys and critically reviews of the major research works on Culture has no colour, a brief study of cultural amalgamation of cospmopolitanism.This paper analyze Cultural amalgamation which describes not only about race and culture apart from that it also focuses on intexuality on language and indigenous and international cultures. Cultural amalgamation happened when two cultures mix to for a new culture. Cosmopolitanism which involves unpacking the two entangled concepts, universality and personal experience equally recounts with African American literature Introduction African American poetry and cosmopolitanism impact which also figures of cultural mulattoes –the offspring of interracial unions between white and black of African American colonies. Rita Dove as a poet and craftsman living in Ohio, who culturally intermingled with other ethnic groups. Crossing color examines cultural space which and focuses borders and boundaries that decide inclusion and exclusion; second it explores movement, and it concentrates if the nature of cultural space. Cultural amalgamation describes not only about race and culture apart from that it also focuses on intexuality on language and indigenous…show more content…
She introduces her cosmopolitan poetic in the figure of the cultural mulatto. It is a collection of poems dealing with an assortment of terms and experiences such as Cosmopolitanism, adolescence, romantic encounters, and sights into slave history. It was acknowledged well by most critics and wedged the attention of her peers. Cosmopolitanism supposed to create mutuality. The aim of cosmopolitanism is at coming common ground despite differences. Robbins who speaks about cosmopolitanism says if cosmopolitanism cannot deliver an explicitly and it leads directly political

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