Essay On Clean Living

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My diet has over the years become almost paleo but not fully, therefore I choose to call it clean living. In 2009, I published a whole book about living clean with a focus on diet and since that I have learned so much. In this book I have chosen to keep this chapter simple, and then later on I can elaborate the subject at public speeches, my website and articles or maybe a new book.
 My checklist according to my diet I have made some rules I follow, which can scare people stiff, if they have not been in contact with a clean diet before. However, it is actually very simple, but looks massive: I keep hydrated (pure water or infused water - no sugary or fizzy drinks) I buy local organic wholefood if it is available I eat lots of vegetables and fruit (even when I hardly had any money, I managed to make a budget, where I got fruit and vegetables each day) I eat enough of the good fats like coconut oil,…show more content…
gluten, lactoses and other substances that provokes the gut alcohol, caffein or other euphoric substances refined and/or fermented and most dried products like sugar, vinegar, dried fruits, dried spices as they most likely contains sulphites. Yes, all this means read the labels, and you might think "oh man, you must be kidding me". No, I am not, believe me, I have been reading labels for about 20 years now, and you will be disgusted. I know, that I deserve to have a good life, and therefore I invest in my health by scheduling time to read the labels. Sometimes, I cannot accommodate all above points, especially if I am dining out. The important thing is that, I know which areas I can twist a little bit once in a while, and which ones I have to be strict with. Fortunately, the majority of restaurants will go out on a limb to make a dish, which is tasty, good looking and filled with awesomeness.
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