Essay On Classical Management Theory

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With the end of the nineteenth century there arose a growing need to change the approach to organisational design and management to a more consistent and wider approach, this is what led to the creation of the classical approach. The origin of Classical Approach was initially made in the early part of the century, scientists like Frederick W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, Lyndall Urwick, etc. These men were fundamental in the creation of the comprehensive theory of management. It was Taylor who came up with the Scientific Management in his book The Principle of Scientific Management. His theory places emphasis in gaining an increased productivity from all of the workers through creating a strict technical organizational structure and the implementation…show more content…
Fayol was primarily concerned with the control of the organization of the company. While Fayol was a pioneer of management theory, with many of his beliefs being thought and used today, he like Taylor was helped by a receptive audience, meaning that at their time there was growing need for new management ideas. Just as Taylor’s system grew when a need for management theory was at its greatest in the US, so was Fayol’s system aimed at a similar demand in France. Another major contributor for the Classical Approach was Max Webber, a German sociologist, who created the idea of bureaucracy. Weber criticized organizations for running their businesses like a family. Weber believed this informal organization of supervisors and employees hindered the potential success of a company because the power was misplaced. He felt that employees were loyal to their bosses and not to the organization Weber believed that the bureaucratic concept would be able to minimize the frustrations and illogical actions of large organizations where the relationship between the executives and workers are based on their respective class privilege. Weber’s theory of bureaucracy was formed on five
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