Managerial Theories In The 19th Century

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Prior to the industrial revolution, majority of the people worked on farms. These farms were mainly family operated and the jobs were seasonal and very repetitive. Here no major management strategies were required. There were however, large infrastructural projects going ahead from almost the dawn of time. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt used managerial strategies to build the pyramids, the Romans also had their strategies for building their empire but in this essay I will talk about the modern managerial theory’s from the 19th century onwards. Classical Management Theory. Factory managers wanted mass produced products, with lower costs and efficient times, indicating the need for more economical running factories. Fredrick Taylor, was the…show more content…
Maslow studied human motivation and this brought him to devise the theory of human needs. In this theory Maslow states that once a basic level of needs is met the human can move through five other levels of motivational needs culminating in “Self-Actualization Needs” where cognitively he has reach the pinnacle of his motivation, where one has realised their potential. Translating this into managerial motivational needs, the basic need is that of salary, salary to satisfy the basic needs of the person. Having a secure environment to work and having security of a job would be the second level. The co-workers one works with; been allowed to form relationships with their work colleagues come third on the list of motivational desires, followed by job title and praise. Finally, once this has all been achieved; a worker can only reach the zenith of it motivational experience if the job satisfies them on a physiological level and is meaningful and challenging to them. This Hierarchy of Needs is used by many other occupations other than managerial staff. It can also be used in the sociological professions, where the needs of people are…show more content…
This is called the X Y Theory of management, the X type of manager looks at the workers as “machines” who are lazy and will only work for money, this is known the “authoritarian style” (The Economist;2008) of management. The Y type managers believe that workers are motivated by more than money, they look as work as part of their lives, and if allowed, will help solve problems and support the work environment. Today we see Behaviour management styles in those what work in Human Resources careers and in the social sciences careers. Contingency

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