Essay About Corruption In The Philippines

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Enraged lament spread like rumours of corruption throughout the country last weekend when news of the untimely, unjust and brutal death of the young promising Santo Tomas University law student, Horacio 'Atio' Castillo III, caught wind. Not only was Castillo's violent end preventable, it is also an evident symptom of a festering disease that continues to cripple the country. The death of the bright-eyed Castillo deepens both the pain and anxiety that manifest as an undercurrent of fear in the hearts of all Filipinos. Last Saturday night, Castillo was forced to attend a solo initiation to the Aegis Juris fraternity of the UST law school. Castillo nor his parents anticipated that he would be tortured to death before the following sunrise. Not only was the dean of the UST law school who is a member of the same fraternity a family friend, the sweet young Castillo was surrounded by peers knowledgeable of the…show more content…
The powerful are the wealthy, those with the right connections and support, those with status, or those who embrace the tradition of violence. What plagues the country is its propensity to worship power, and in pursuit of power, its propensity to act violently. It is a flaw that allows for the existence of the privileged, one that allows for the existence of injustice. The festering culture of violence and the worship of power, which has been passed on to the next generation of Filipinos, as revealed by the untimely and unjust brutal death of Castillo, ultimately keeps the country from becoming united in satisfying its physical needs, so it may focus on pursuing metaphysical enlightenment. There are the powerful who seek to remain powerful by bombarding the vulnerable with unnecessary violence that ultimately maintains the status quo. In this light, the country is Castillo: seeking justice at the mercy of the unjust, at the mercy of the corrupt

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