Essay About The Biggest Problem Facing The Environment

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POLLUTION 1. What do you think is the biggest problem facing our environment nowadays (in Spain/in the world)? In my view, currently, the biggest problem facing our environment could be the pollution, the air contaminated. This is produced, in general, for the fumes from cars, factories, etc. 2. Is pollution a problem here in Spain? Yes, above all in the big cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, and, in general, in the north of Spain where there are many factories because this is an industrially developed area. 3. What kind of environmental disasters are the worst for your country? Perhaps, for my country the worst environmental disaster could be the pollution, the air contaminated. This is produced, in general, for the fumes from cars, factories,…show more content…
For this, for example, the government could increase the road taxes. Other things the government could do are to encourage the use of renewable energies or impose taxes on factories that produce high levels of pollution. 5. If you were the Prime Minister of your country, what would you try to change to help the environment? If I were the Prime Minister of my country, I would encourage the use of public transport. For this, for example, I would increase the road taxes. Other things I would do are to encourage the use of renewable energies or impose taxes on factories that produce high levels of pollution. 6. What are the main environmental problems in your town? And in your country? How could these problems be tackled (ser abordados)? I live in a small village and there we can’t important environmental problems, however in my country the main environmental problem could be the pollution, the air contaminated. This is produced, in general, for the fumes from cars, factories, etc. Above all in the big cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, and, in general, in the north of Spain where there are many factories because this is an industrially developed area. One of the things that government could do for solve the problem is encourages the use of public transport. For this, for example, the government could increase the road

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