Equity Theory Of Communication

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The equity theory may contribute to improve our understanding of communication and effectiveness of managers from the subordinates’ point of view. The equity theory was first developed in 1963 by John Stacey Adams(1) , and follows the principle that subordinates need fair treatment in organizations to be satisfied with their jobs. Yamnill and McLean (33) defined equity as the “belief of employees being treated fairly in relation to others and inequity is the belief that employees are treated unfairly in relation to others” (p. 198). Huseman and Hatfield(10) argued that research on managers’ communication styles and equity theory over the last decade assists in explaining employees’ job satisfaction. Miles, Hatfield, and Huseman (18) outlined…show more content…
One of the key factors to reach organizational efficiency and effectiveness is the capability of a manager to communicate with subordinates (22). Communication is defined as the exchange of information between people, by means of speaking, writing, or employing a common system of signs or behavior (22). Pandey and Garnett (23) suggested that organizations should view communication as a factor of the organization’s strength. Organizational effectiveness is a “key competency of leadership and the ability to communicate tasks into measurable actions” (22). The primary function of communication in workplace is to convey and exchange information to accomplish organizational objectives and goals (15, 22, and 23). Organizations are often comprised of employees from diverse populations, who bring “different goals, backgrounds, styles, habits, and preferences to the process” (22). Manager-employee communication entails an understanding of power structure and power sharing and must include sensitivity to their differentiation in order to maximize productivity. Power sharing and communication require positive and constructive relationships between managers and employees, which enhance creativity, productivity, teamwork, and job satisfaction. These attributes are facilitated through communication of common needs, common interests, and the satisfaction of…show more content…
This is known as rapport management in which “language is used to manage social relations” (8). Verbal communication is a main information transfer channel, which means to select and deliver words with clear intention. On the other hand, the nonverbal communication contains the facial expression, appearance and posture shown by the managers to the employees and, along with language, provides crucial clues for situations where information is delivered and employees have to interpret it

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