30th Century Escape Book Analysis

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30th Century Escape by Mark Kingston Levin begins in the 30th century a mile below sea level where Captain Jennifer Hero heads fifty members of a Secret Society of natural humans on a very important mission. Society consists of natural humans and Syndos who have enhanced DNA to make them stronger and physically superior but have no moral compass. Syndos have decided to wipe out the naturals and the naturals have a non-violent plan to prevent this happening by travelling back to the 27th century, when the Syndos were first created to make sure they develop a sense of morality. Under heavy attack, Jennifer sends her team back in time to the 27th century but when she enters the time machine she does not sent herself to the same time, but goes much further back to 2015, to an era of history she has studied in depth. Her time capsule takes her to the ocean near Muroroa Atoll in French Polynesia and Jennifer swims ashore leaving her capsule on the ocean floor and spends the next 4 months surviving alone on the atoll that has been abandoned following French nuclear testing that took place there from the 1960s to 1996. A research team headed by Professor Marty Zitonick finds her and she claims she has amnesia and can remember nothing before waking on Muroroa about 4 months earlier other than…show more content…
then spoke with his five and daughter..” when five should be wife, and things that made no sense such as “..gold from around 1700 not Nazi gold..” when that era was pre-Nazi . However the most annoying thing about the book for me was the fact that everyone is welcoming and kind and rather one-dimensional. It is hard to believe that everyone Jennifer meets is completely accepting of having sex in groups with multiple partners. In reality there are always mean and nasty people and I felt the characters weren’t very realistic. On the positive side the book has some lovely descriptions of locations and some nice theoretical

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