Energy Conservation Literature Review

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Chapter – II Review of Literature Importance and Need of Energy Conservation has been stressed in the earlier chapter. This chapter deals with review of literature. Most of the Studies on Energy Conservation have focused on potential of Energy Conservation and measures to be adopted for Energy Conservation by different sectors of the economy. Hereby an attempt has been made to go through different types of Literature on Energy Conservation. Special reports on Energy Conservation in Industry1(1982) reveals that the increase in the cost of Energy and its shortage are obviously worrying the industry and more so, the financial institutions, which…show more content…
R. Satish Chandran2 (1982) in his paper tries to bring out the importance of energy conversion and energy utilization. Looking at the rapid rate of industrialization and the increasing substitution by commercial energy in the economy, there is likely to be a gap between the energy requirement and availability. It is estimated that energy requirement would register a fourfold increase, in absolute terms, it would mean over 500 million tones of coal, over 900 m.t. of oil and about 550 KWH of electricity. He says even if vigorous policy action is taken to increase the efficiency of full – utilization to implement conservation measures, the energy demand by the turn of the century would be the three times the present level. Hence looking at our oil demand, electrification requirements and the extent to which renewable sources of energy can be exploited, it is realized that energy conservation is needed, as the cheapest form of energy production is energy saved. P. Amala Rao3(1987), The energy perspective enunciated in the 7th plan documents envisages a threefold rise in the electricity requirements in the country from 155 MKWH in 1984-85 to 464 billion KWH by 2000 A.D. Rapid development of electricity generation thus becomes imperative in view of the fact that the promotion of the alternative i.e. non – conventional sources of energy is yet in the pilot stage. The average all India transmission and distribution loss (TD) was estimated at 21.7percent of total electricity generated…show more content…
However in India, these choices are restricted to centralized sources, which in turn is resulting in shortages of capital and environmental degradation locally. They highlighted that what matters the most to the consumers of energy is not energy perse, but the services that energy provides. Therefore the true indicator of development is not the magnitude of energy used but the level of energy services provided. Hence in the energy decision making the decentralized sources of supply and energy efficiency improvements and conservation options are to be

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