Personal Narrative: An Interview With A Librator

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This paper will focus on an interview conducted with Cynthia A. Childrey, Dean and University Librarian of Cline Library at Northern Arizona University. As the Dean of the Cline Library, Ms. Childrey is responsible for the leadership and direction of services and programs to students and faculty that support teaching and learning success in addition to research endeavors. Ms. Childrey came to the Cline Library in 1990 as a Senior Reference Librarian. Since that time, she was promoted to the Head, Reference Services Department, then on to Associate University Librarian. In 2002, she was appointed Interim Dean and University Librarian. In 2005, she assumed the permanent position of Dean and University Librarian. Her Masters in Library Science…show more content…
It is central to the growth of individuals and creates a dynamic environment for learning. I asked Ms. Childrey how she preferred to provide feedback and recognition. She responded with respect of recognition first, “I think a lot of times, it is really simple things. Saying thank you to people.” She shared a recent story that represents a strong, yet simple example of providing valuable feedback and recognition. She recently had to provide a document to the new Provost. He responded with a little message back to her that said she had done a good job with it and thank you. The email exchange continued a bit longer, but the exchange resulted in some feedback to her, that was good for her personally and also for the library. She shared, “To me knowing that I am on track, just that little thing, I didn’t need a huge announcement or something, but I think the higher you go, the further you go in leadership positions, often the less feedback you get from those above you.” She regularly forwards positive feedback to staff and their supervisors that she receives. This little act shows that you are paying attention and appreciate each person’s contributions. “Often it’s the simple, personal gestures that are the most powerful rewards…” (Kouzes et al, 2012, p.

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