Edith Wharton Naturalism

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Edith Wharton wan born in New York City on January 24, 1862 and passed away on August 11, 1937. Edith Wharton started writing at a very young age and published about fifty or more varieties of volumes in her life time. Following her death she left a number of unpublished manuscripts and voluminous correspondence. Mrs. Wharton won the Pulitzer Prize for the novel The Age of Innocence in 1920. She also was the first women honored the gold medal of National Institute of Arts and Letters in 1930. Edith Wharton wrote the short novel Roman Fever that was about two women who were basically frenemies. Both women in this short novel had done something to hurt the other. Roman Fever is a perfect example to show naturalism. Roman Fever shows some of the…show more content…
Slade and Mrs. Ansley have been friends for most of the life as it seems in this short novel. The thing is these women don’t seem to be the best of friend after you start reading the novel. It is more like Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley are more frienemies instead of friends. Mrs. Slade basically tells Mrs. Ansley how she Skimmed her by telling the story of Mrs. Ansley’s great aunt Harriet. “Great- Aunt Harriet. The one who was supposed to have sent her young sister out to the Forum after sunset to gather night-blooming flowers for her album.” (Wharton 849) After saying this Mrs. Slade adds to the story by saying “but she really sent her because they were in love with the same man-.” (Wharton 849) After Mrs. Slade told the story about the great- aunt she started talking about the Colosseum and how that was the place that lovers went. Mrs. Ansley didn’t understand where Mrs. Slade bring this up. Finally Mrs. Slade tries to remind Mrs. Ansley about the night she went out after dark by saying “You don’t remember? You don’t remember going to visit some ruins or other one evening, just after dark, and catching a bad chill? You were supposed to have gone to see the moon rise. People always said that expedition was what caused you illness.” (Wharton 849) Mrs. Ansley starts to remember and Mrs. Slade ends up saying “Yes, and you got well again- so it didn’t matter.”(Wharton 849) Mrs. Slade kept throwing out hints about her skim and what she did to her friend but Mrs. Ansley was
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