Edith Wharton And Roman Fever

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Edith Wharton wan born in New York City on January 24, 1862 and passed away on August 11, 1937. Edith Wharton started writing at a very young age and published about fifty or more varieties of volumes in her life time. Following her death she left a number of unpublished manuscripts and voluminous correspondence. Mrs. Wharton won the Pulitzer Prize for the novel The Age of Innocence in 1920. She also was the first women honored the gold medal of National Institute of Arts and Letters in 1930. Edith Wharton wrote the short novel Roman Fever that was about two women who were basically frenemies. Both women in this short novel had done something to hurt the other. Roman Fever is a perfect example to show naturalism. Roman Fever shows some of the…show more content…
Slade is trying to explain why she did it as sort of a joke she explains herself by saying, “well, girls are ferocious sometimes, you know. Girls in love specially. And I remember laughing to myself all that evening at the idea that you were waiting around in the dark, dodging out of sight, listening for every sound, trying to get in-Of course I was upset when I heard you were ill afterward.” (Wharton 851) By Mrs. Slade saying this I think kind of made Mrs. Ansley mad and that when she came out and said, “But I didn’t wait. He’d arranged everything. He was there. We were let in at once.” (Wharton 851) This Made Mrs. Slade very angry and swore Mrs. Ansley was lying. Then Mrs. Ansley explained that she wrote back to the letter. Mrs. Slade responded “I never thought of you answering” (Wharton 851) After that is when Mrs. Ansley insisted they go because it was getting cold and she said sorry to Mrs. Slade. Mrs. Slade didn’t understand why she apologized until Mrs. Ansley said “Well-because I didn’t have to wait that night” (Wharton 851) Then Mrs. Slade kind laughs and replies, “Yes; I was beaten there. But I oughtn’t to begrudge it to you, I suppose. At the end of all these years. After all, I had everything; I had him for twenty-five years. And you had nothing but that one letter that he didn’t write.” (Wharton 851) After Mrs. Slade said that Mrs. Ansley said the unpredicted secret that was, “I had Barbara.” (Wharton 851) That is where the short novel ended. Both…show more content…
These women are not friend they are frienemies and both were jealous of the other for something. Naturalism is shown throughout this short novel of The Roman Fever. Mrs. Slade tried to Skeam her friend by writing a letter from her fiancé supposable. This plan blew up in Mrs. Slade’s face and it was the worst possible thing that could happen because her husband had another child by a different women which was her friend. Mrs. Ansley I thought was the victim at the beginning of the short novel but by the end she shows her true colors by having child by her friend fiancé at the time. There is just so much darkness throughout this novel and that is why it is a perfect example of
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