Betty Rollin Motherhood

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To be with the American feminist movement at that time, the 1960s-1970s period, Betty Rollin writes “Motherhood: Who Needs it?” as a call that awakes women, especially young unmarried ones, not to fall in the cycle of being a mother as what society constructs them to be, but to pursue what makes them really feel satisfied. Rollin focuses on providing sociological, psychological, and religious evidences to support her argument against the Mother Myth, which has such great long-standing power not only on society but women themselves. Firstly, Rollin quotes the researchers and statements of experts such as sociologist Dr. Jessie Bernard, psychiatrist Dr. Richard Rabskin, motherhood-researcher Dr. Fredrick, as the foundation to prove that motherhood is not a biological instinct, but it is more likely…show more content…
Citing from study of Dr. Jessie Bernard, single women are considered to be more healthy and happier than those whose get married (Rollin 290). Rollin argues that women who happy with their marriage don’t want to acknowledge the feeling of unhappiness; instead, they choose to obsess themselves that they are satisfied with marriage life, even though most of them enjoy more time when children go to bed (Rollin 290-291). Childless family also are far happier, because they don’t have to argue about children’s problems (Rollin 292). In spite of the difficult truths above, women themselves unconsciously spread The Motherhood Myth to next generation because society around women, such as husband, mother, grandmother, and friend, expects them to be “a wife and a mother” (Rollin 293). To conclude the argument, Rollin states that motherhood can become better when women have chances to pursue what they really want instead of trapped in only kitchen; this even improves other relationship, like “childhood, husbandhood, and peoplehood” and results to better society (Rollin

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