Ecocriticism In Literature

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With the rise of ecological branch of literary criticism many critics have attempted to explore the relationship of literature and environment. Consequently the role of literature, and especially poetry is re-examined from ecocentric perspective, that is, poetry is considered as promoting ecological consciousness. Some of the critics eve argue that this consciousness can be converted into activism. To them poetry can be successfully utilized in arresting the present ecological degradation and thus can save the planet from disaster. Here some mid-twentieth century poet, namely Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney and Dylan Thomas are taken and their works are considered as promoting ecological consciousness. Further, some of the poems are thought to have…show more content…
It approaches literature from the point of view of nature. It tries to analyze human culture through the reassessment of the idea of nature. The British Romantics and the American Transcendentalists are held up in special status in ecocriticism. The ecocritics try to reread major, canonical works by applying ecocentric concepts, such as, growth, balance, fertility, energy circulation, symbiosis etc to them. They question social and linguistic norms and preconditions that relegated nature merely as resource. They celebrate multiplicity and diversity in nature. The ecocritics are enthusiastically concerned over certain issues, such as: the role of the physical setting of a literary work; the metaphor of land or place; bearing of scientific ecology with literature itself; and the connection between the natural world and the cultural artefacts of language and literature. Although Ecocriticism is synonymously used with Environmentalism, there are several other co-philosophies, such as, Deep Ecology, Eco-Marxism, Eco-Feminism, Post-colonial Ecocriticism etc which explore the possibility of an improved man-nature…show more content…
The bleak moor and the elemental presence impressed upon his mind the picture of a harsh, pitiless natural world. Hughes directly addresses the problem of human cohabitation with nature. He converted his pastoral vision as a form of social therapy. His poetry compels us to believe that poetry can perform radical engagement with environmental issues. Hughes was not simply an environmentalist poet but also an environmentalist activist in practice: he donated copies of his books for saving plants; talked with the Prime Minister of Britain being concerned with the vanishing of salmon population in river; sent anonymous letters to The Times on fish stocks and injecting cattle with steroids; wrote letter to the Prime Minister for treating environmental cataclysm as war on all

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