Earthquake In The Philippines

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I was terrified. I could hear those endless screams reverberating past my ears. I could see almost everything collapsing to destruction. I could sense the fears and sorrows of those who kept struggling just to survive—or at least not die. I could feel that hope was lost somewhere, sought by those who still clung to their faith. Tomorrow might be the day that I would not be part of. The shaking earth seemed to tell me that. I could sense my own fear and sorrow. I, myself, had to survive. I had to cling to my own faith. Otherwise, I might die. I had to call out for help even though I knew no one would heed. I was hopeless. I was terrified. This was the story of a little boy who stood on the exact boundary that separated life from death… it…show more content…
It is the risks that the Philippines has to deal with—the risks before, during and after the disaster. PHIVOLCS together with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has undergone with the Metro Manila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study (MMEIRS) which was implemented last 2002-2004. The project is both a study and a plan, and has two goals: (1) Evaluate seismic hazards, damages and vulnerability of Metro Manila, and (2) prepare framework of master plan for earthquake disaster management. As for the latter part, last 2004, the government and some institutions have coordinated with each other and established the Disaster Risk Management Master Plan (DRMMP) of Metro Manila. Initiated by the Philippine government itself together with the MMDA, PHIVOLCS, National Disaster Coordinating Council and other organizations and local stakeholders, the DRMMP aims to provide people assistance and help in preparing for any upcoming disasters, well in this case, a ‘massive’ earthquake. According to the authors, while the DRMMP is a plan, it is also a process; wherein, being a process, it “facilitates a cross-sectoral, inter-agency course of action that is highly participatory and collaborative, as DRM is a shared responsibility” (“The Disaster Risk”, 2007). Moreover, the plan is to occur in three phases: risk identification, risk reduction and risk

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