Dysrationalia Case Study

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Summaries The main topic Keith Stanovich covers in Chapter 7 of Sternberg (2002) is dysrationalia. The term “dysrationalia” described as – the inability to think and behave rationally despite adequate intelligence. A person with high intelligence can act in an irrational manner, just as a lower intelligent person make act more rationally than the higher intelligent person. People do not act rationally despite their intelligence because they have built up beliefs and biases that restrict the amount of time given to solving a problem. Most individuals provide a quick answer, instead of using their full intellectual capacity to look for alternate answers. This effect is evident in real life situations, for example: purchasing an item that…show more content…
The rational level happens as an automatic reaction response, quick, without conscious thought. The algorithmic level is a slower thinking process, which involves deeper intellectual problem solving alternatives. The intentional level of analysis is dependent on the amount of intellectual work a person is willing to contribute in being rational. The lower the intellectual effort, the more satisfied with the rational decision made. The higher the intellectual effort, the higher the act of being rational. The main topic Elena Grigorenko and Donna Lockery discuss in chapter 8 of Sternberg (2002) are misconceptions of smart people in regards to people with disabilities. The chapter discusses the over diagnosis of people with disabilities are more prevalent due to the advancements in the medical, educational, and psychological fields. People also judge if a person is disabled based on their personal interaction with disabled people and what is portrayed on film and television. Stereotypes of the disabled have been portrayed by non-disabled actors in film and on television. Hollywood would rather hire a non-disabled actor to portray a disabled person so people who watch the production know that the person can go back to living a normal life, without the

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