Duncan's Ambition In Macbeth

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Macbeth, one of the most popular plays written by Shakespeare is read in many in high school classrooms. High school students may think of this play as a boring useless play, it teaches an important lesson. The play shows how destructive ones over-ambition can be. Macbeth, who was a man of good heart is compelled into thought and actions which are against his attributes and lead to the destruction of himself, Scotland, and his wife. His wife, Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth in all his wrong doings. Although Macbeth does the actions of killing King Duncan, Lady Macbeth is responsible for the death of King Duncan. As Macbeth first thought of killing King Duncan, in Act 1, sc. 3, beginning on line 148, Macbeth mentions the thought of killing "...that suggestion / whose horrid image...", makes his heart pound and his hair stand straight. Shortly after that in Act 1, sc. 4, Duncan announces that Malcolm is his successor and after that Macbeth says, "Stars, hide your fires! / Let not light see my black and deep desires." This proposes that he has had thoughts of killing Duncan, but he is trying to erase those thoughts so they don’t become reality.…show more content…
In Act 1, sc. 5, when she receives Macbeth’s letter explaining how the witches’ prophecies and of himself being names Thane of Cawdor, he mind fills with evil dark thoughts. Other than trying to erase her thoughts, she makes them become reality, opposite of her husband’s intentions. Although Macbeth is an ambitious man and that was why the witches were able to take advantage of him, he was prepared to wait and see if the prophecy that he would become king would take its course on its own, Act 1, sc. 3, "If chance will have me King, why, / chance may crown me, / Without my stir." As Macbeth backed away from the idea of killing King Duncan, Lady Macbeth scolded him, calling him unmanly and
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