Misrepresent Drug Use In Film

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Many times in Hollywood films directors tend to misrepresent drug use, by either making them seem better or worse than they actually are. However, in the film “Trainspotting”, director Danny Boyle accurately depicts the various aspects of drug use, such as the method of administration, pharmacokinetics, withdrawal symptoms and even overdose treatment of heroin. In the first scene of the movie the characters are in a drug den where all of them administer heroin to each other on a daily basis. In this scene, Allison is given her first dose of heroin of the day, within seconds she feels the rush and high associated with the intravenous administration of heroin. The rate at which she experiences the effects of the drug and the experience she has on the drug is an…show more content…
The first time he used heroin after his extended break he ended up overdosing, his overdose could have been caused by various factors such as a decreased functional and dispositional tolerance, or even because he used the drug in a different environment than he usually does. It is possible for addicts to develop a high drug tolerance in one type of environment but overdose with that same amount of drug in a different environment, this occurs because the setting in which the drug is taken plays a role in how a user experiences drug effects (Drug Use and Abuse, 97). After Renton overdosed he was taken to a hospital where they injected him with a substance which quickly woke him up and saved him from the overdose. The substance being injected was most likely an opiate antagonist such as naloxone. When naloxone is given to a patient it binds to the opiate receptors in the brain and blocks it, preventing any opiates from binding on the site. This drug is able to completely reverse the effects of opiates and also prevents the mechanism of action of opiates (Drug Use and Abuse,

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