Appearance Obstructs Reality In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Appearance Obstructs Reality in Shakespeare’s Macbeth Appearances often deceive due to ones absence in reality. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth , Macbeth meets with the three witches who bestow three prophecies upon his fate. Speculating upon his prophecies, Macbeth takes multiple decisions that affect his morality. Macbeth eventually chooses fate over reality causing him to deceive his close friends through his appearance. However the play concludes with Macbeths demise due to Macbeths strong appearance making him go into a state of illusion creating vulnerability in reality . When ones appearance goes into a state of illusion through trusting too easily, having an ambition for power, and having a guilty conscience it obstructs reality concluding…show more content…
Trusting too easily can put ones appearance into a state of illusion, making one susceptible to their demise. King Duncan is led to his demise through the trust that he lays in the good intentions of his friends. However, King Duncan remains naïve to Macbeth’s intentions to kill him, due to the illusion King Duncan appears to be in which pertains him from perceiving reality. Ironically, Macbeth encounters a similar situation placing his trust in the witches who lead him to his demise. Through King Duncan’s betrayal by the Thane of Cawdor, he discovers a trust upon Macbeth. When King Duncan visits Macbeth’s castle, he expresses his platonic love and loyalty for Macbeth to Macbeths wife, Lady Macbeth, when he says “We love him highly, / And shall continue our graces towards him”(1.6.35-36). Which reinforces the trust and loyalty King Duncan possess towards Macbeth, however takes over his perception on reality. Unbeknownst to…show more content…
Lady Macbeth encompasses traits of valiance through the murder of King Duncan, however as the play prolongs she is beat by her guilty conscience, which leads her to her downfall and the opening of her true identity. Macbeth appears to murder King Duncan with purpose, although after his death he experiences a guilty conscience, which eventually leads to his downfall. Lady Macbeth is the intellect in the murder of King Duncan, and appears audacious when she states “If he do bleed, /I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal.”( Lady Macbeth appears to be very insensitive to King Duncans blood as she uses it in her bold facade. Ironically as the play prolongs she reaches her guilty conscience while sleep talking when she says “Out damned spot! out, I say! One; two why […] Yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him”(5.1.32-37). Lady Macbeth seems extremely sensitive to blood due to her growing guilty conscience and appears as weak, however this reveals her true identity, which evokes her to commit suicide concluding her downfall as a character. Macbeth shows purpose in the murder of King Duncan when he says “Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell/ That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.”(2.1.70-71). Macbeth appears affirmative in his decision to kill King

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