Drug Court Case Analysis

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A minimum term of one year, participants are provided with intensive treatment and other services they require to get and stay clean and sober,held accountable by the Drug Court judge for meeting their obligations to the court, society, themselves and their families; regularly and randomly tested for drug use, required to appear in court periodically so that the judge may review their progress; and for doing well or sanctioned when they do not live up to their obligations. Eligibility for Drug Court varies according to state and local guidelines, and on the type of Drug Court model, such as Tribal Healing to Wellness Court, Family Dependency Treatment Court (Family Drug Court) , Federal District Drug Court (Federal Reentry Court) just to name a few. State legislatures or regulatory bodies have created eligibility guidelines for Drug Courts. Even though eligibility guidelines vary, most Drug Courts do not consider…show more content…
The Brooklyn Treatment Court only accepts, nonviolent, substance-abusing defendants to drug treatment as an alternative to incarceration (Center for Court Innovation, 2015). Participants return periodically to Court to report on their progress and submit regular urine tests. To support defendants, there are a range of social services on-site, a psychiatric nurse practitioner screens for mental health, ant extra needs are made appropriate referrals to outside services. Participants are kept on track by the judge (Judge Jo Ann Ferdinand), rewarding progress and imposing sanctions on participants who fail to comply with court orders. A vocational/rehabilitation counselor helps graduates find jobs. In addition, defendants are required to complete a community service requirement, paying back the community for their past criminal acts. Defendants who successfully complete treatment have their cases
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