Dreams In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Importance Of Dreams In Of Mice And Men John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men, is about two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who travel California in search of a job. They eventually arrived in Soledad, and meet many interesting characters such as Candy and Curley. Lennie gets in a lot of trouble but ends up accidentally killing Curley’s wife. Even though George takes care of Lennie due to a mental illness he has, George knows what must be done and kills Lennie with a Luger. In the novella Of Mice and Men, every character realizes the importance of dreams, even if they are unobtainable. George does not always believe his dreams will come true, but he still realizes that they are important to have them. When George was yelling at Lennie for…show more content…
Even though George would never get rid of Lennie due to his own dream, he still thought about a life without Lennie. George promised Lennie’s aunt Clara that he would take care of him, and if George got rid of Lennie he would die due to his mental illness. George’s dreams were similar to Lennie’s dreams, but Lennie focused a lot more on his rabbits. Lennie never realized that his dream was unrealistic, and he always counted on them to make the right choices. Lennie always dreamed of one day tending rabbits and growing alfalfa to feed them. This dream shows right after George lashed out at him for wanting ketchup, so Lennie asked George to tell him how the future will be. George stated how “‘Someday--we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and---’ ‘An’ live off the fatta the lan’,’ Lennie shouted. ‘An’ have rabbits. Go on, George!’” (14) Lennie never truly realized that he may not tend rabbits someday, but he needs the thought of the dream to be happy. Lennie was sad when he was being yelled at by George, but when George told him about the rabbits, he became excited and joyful. Another time
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