Comparing The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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How To: Achieve the American Dream when you are not rich, white, and straight. Why is it that the “American Dream” only seems possible for a certain portion of the American population? In his 1937 novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck explores the theme of perseverance in times of suffering—specifically in the harsh period of the Great Depression—through ‘Crooks,’ Lennie, and Candy’s hopes of an American Dream. The men, who are characterized as “bindle stiffs—a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep” (75) by a female of higher class, are desperately working towards the ownership of their own barn, something which they consider to be a central part of the American Dream. In one of the scenes from the book, the three men are found in Crook’s “bunk house” (65), talking about their past. ‘Crooks,’ the black man, begins with a negative attitude towards the American Dream: “Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody get no land. It’s just in their head” (70).…show more content…
This change of heart emphasizes Steinbeck’s theme of perseverance and proves that the considered “weak ones” in society can come together in order to “transport [them] into a new, ideal realm, lift them up outside of themselves, and make them feel as if they are in contact with an extraordinary energy” (IEP 10). In other words, the individuals who have persevered through similar experiences come together to hope for their American
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