The Tragic Hero In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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Suffering more than is deserved is the main trait of an Aristotelian Tragic Hero. John Proctor- the main protagonist in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible - is the quintessential Tragic Hero. His error of judgment, his pride gets in the way of good choices, his weaknesses only serve to engender empathy to the audience, his spirituality gets wounded by his experience, and he, in the end, make a decision, usually involving life or death. Although a good, Christian man, Proctor is tempted and gives into that temptation when Abigail William comes to work in his home. When Proctor was questioned by Williams about his affections for her he stated, “I may have looked up… but I will cut off my hand before I reach for you again” admitting how there was once a time where Proctor was infatuated with Williams. However disgusted the audience is with the adultery of Proctor and Williams, it can still find empathy for a man who recognizes his own weakness, stops the bad behavior, tells his wife of the indiscretion, and then begs for forgiveness. This moral learned is that even a…show more content…
When Proctor has his own proof he states, “I think it is not easy prove she’s a fraud, and the town gone so silly” clouded by his pride; he makes the incorrect judgement of bringing this evidence to the case sooner based on their previous relationship. As the climax reaches he confessed to committing witchcraft, but one thought sways him from being freed from the gallows; he states” How may I live without my name… I have given you my soul; leave my name!” The thought of his name being tarnished in town for lying about using witchcraft, and the brave Rebecca Nurse stating how she wouldn’t lie to save herself left Proctor to his ultimate demise. Would a person lie to save themselves? Yes. But, pride and faith sway a decision otherwise to live a life in heaven rather than have a tarnished venerant

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