Keeping The Dream Alive In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Lennie keeping the dream alive. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck writes the best laid plans of mice and men can and do, go wrong. They are doomed from the start because of Lennie’s fatal flaw, he is developmentally disabled and therefore incapable of bringing the dream come true, but his ingenuity also allows him and George to pursue the dream. Lennie’s innocence permits George to believe they can reach the dream. Lennie likes to hear about it so much that he thinks it will come true. (s) Steinbeck perhaps proposes how innocence can . Lennie is the keeper of the dream; he does not question its low probability to achieve that dream, he simply believes. Without this innocence, George would be like all the other ranch hands, wasting his money on whiskey and women, drifting aimlessly from one job to the next. George tells Lennie that his life would be easier without him, just getting some money and doing whatever he wants. (Steinbeck 6)…show more content…
(sva) Steinbeck uses characters such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife to illustrate the isolation in which the humans are. Each of these characters seems they want to share George and Lennie dream. Their dreams have been systematically destroyed by the insensitivity of the world, the repression that exists, and the bad conditions in which they live; consequently, they want to achieve and share George and Lennie’s dream. (pe) George, Crooks, Candy, and Curley’s wife all have the mental capacity to attain the dream, but lack the innocent belief that is needed to make it come true. (cc) It is their experience that keeps them from attaining the dream. In the world, innocence is crush by the society and either you wake up and see the real world or you let the chances pass

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