Discrimination In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Discrimination has been the cause of many troubling issues throughout the course of history, including lynching a person for who they are, killing them, starting a war, and even changing a person from who they used to be. Lennie is traveling with his friend George ,looking for a ranch to work on, but Lennie is no ordinary person, he has a mental disability which causes him to forget things easily and is shy to even speak for himself. Curley's wife is a housewife who's married to Curley, but she has no name and is the only girl and on the ranch which makes her feel awfully lonely which causes her to talk-flirt with the workers. Crooks is a black worker on the ranch who is crippled from his crooked back, although he's free, he is treated unfairly…show more content…
Which means most people wouldn't understand if Lennie got in trouble. Lennie has had his share of trouble throughout his travel with George, but he has done bad things unintentionally and because he didn't think they were bad or didn't understand what he was doing wrong in that moment, he would get in serious trouble. The text explains this in the quote,"What'd he do in weed?... Well, he seen this girl in a red dress… he wants to touch ever'thing he likes. Just wants to feel it. So he reaches out to feel this red dress an' the girl lets out a squawk, and that gets Lennie all mixed up, and he holds on ‘cause that's the only thing he can think to do," (41). The evidence demonstrates what kind of trouble Lennie has gotten himself into in the past and how other people reacted to his actions. He is only curious and just wants to experience something that catches his attention, but his actions show a different perspective, one of malice, and his fear of getting in trouble only worsens it by scaring the person more by not letting go. The action of not letting go could give a someone the idea of rape, harm, or danger. Such as the girl Lennie scarred, she went and reported to the police that Lennie tried to rape her. Even though Lennie didn't. Lennie doesn't know his own strength as well and has a hard time with petting small things like rats or puppies…show more content…
Because Crooks is black, he is separated from the white men in the bunkhouse and is more of a permanent worker who feels the need to show others that he doesn't need anyone. Crooks has his own room and is educated from reading books, but he is also crippled from his crooked back. He gets very lonely from his room and doesn't have anyone to talk to, but he is very defensive against anyone that approaches him and occludes them out of his life. Chapter four says,"Lennie smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends. Crooks said sharply,' You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me.' " (68). Lennie attempts to befriend Crooks in his room, not even saying a word or doing anything bad towards him, but Crooks starts yelling at Lennie to get out his room and that only he was allowed in the room. Crooks didn't even bother asking Lennie what he wanted, but rather went on the defensive side and started to make himself known that he wasn't going to take harassment. Crooks feels the need to refuse the help or accompaniment of another person, only because they don't want him in the bunkhouse because he's black. He feels the need to show how he feels towards the people who neglect his presence amongst them. In the text Crooks says," You go on get outta my room. I ain't wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain't wanted in my room" (68).
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