Discrimination In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Sexual, racial, gender violence and other forms of discrimination and violence in a culture cannot be eliminated without changing culture.” (Charlotte Bunch). In the novel, Of Mice and Men, three characters are distinctly faced with different forms of discrimination. This story shows how the United States was very inequitable, unfair, and hateful in the 1930’s. When the characters withstand discrimination, it shows what type of negative influence and outcome it brings upon their lives. Overall, the prejudice Lennie, Curley’s Wife, and Crooks are exposed to is an exhibit of a bold and forever traumatizing piece of history in the United States. Steinbeck first introduced discrimination of mental disabilities in the 1930’s through Lennie’s mental illness. “Yea, you forgot. You always forget, an’ I got to talk you out of it. Now he’s got his eye on us. Now we got to be careful and not make no slips. You keep your big flapper shut after this.” (Steinbeck, 23). This quote represents how people like Lennie were treated in the 1930’s because George is telling him to not talk.…show more content…
Crooks is an African-American male that works on the ranch and got his name from his extremely crooked back. One of the worst things you could be, besides a women, in the 1930’s is a black man. One way John Steinbeck shows the audience how Crooks is discriminated against is the scene where Curley’s Wife goes in his room and talks to him. “Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” (Steinbeck, 116-117). With this being said, Curley’s Wife is saying that she can accuse Crooks of rape, and have him lynched, no questions asked. Not only that, but Crooks is often called a “Nigger”. Most people nowadays joke with friends with the use of this word with indeed not realizing the history of
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