Disadvantages Of Globalization

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The spread of ideas and technology on a global scale stems as far back as the Silk Road of the Middle Ages, but was dramatically accelerated by the developments of World War II. These events brought the world together politically and economically, through organizations such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, in a way that had never been seen before and could not be easily undone. Although these new connections can break down indigenous cultures, especially in violent post-WWII conflicts and through unsanctioned government intervention, the negatives are balanced by the spread of technology and ideas that benefit underdeveloped countries. The downsides of globalization include the potential of a generic monoculture and deteriorated relations due to cultural clashes. The introduction of Western ideologies to essentially untouched civilizations often proposes the notion that traditional methods are worse because they are old. This leads to the breakdown of previous cultural barriers, leaving an outlier group that developed on its own to no longer feel important, but rather forgotten and backward. While discussing the Ladakhi people of northern India, Helena Norberg-Hodge states that “[c]ontact with the modern world has debilitated and demoralized a once proud and…show more content…
However, the impact of globalization is not set in stone as it takes much to the nature of the world: ever changing with both positive and negative. The way of nature is both violent and peaceful; the world would not have lasted until the present if there was no balance. Many of the effects of globalization are still to be debated but this would not be the case as the facts overwhelmingly pointed to one side or another. Whether or not it is good or bad, globalization is happening and the quicker the world is to embrace it, the better off the world will
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