Differences Between Tort Law And Criminal Law

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Final Exam 1. Compare tort law and criminal law by identifying their similarities and differences. Conclude your analysis with examples how each may apply to health care providers who run afoul of legal standards. Tort law and criminal law have one major similarity in that they are both meant to identify wrongdoers, start a corrective action on them while also deterring people from wrongdoing. Their objective entails maintaining the scales at a balance concerning all the events in society. They advance justice concerning several things including wellbeing of both people and property. However, the two are different in that criminal law focuses on punishing criminals while tort law focuses on reimbursing the victims for the actions done by other…show more content…
Ethically, euthanasia is seen as a way of avoiding suffering for the proponents and a way of advancing negative practices for the opponents. The opponents note that euthanasia stands to be utilized negatively, especially as a measure of cost saving for healthcare institutions. The practice is also susceptible to negative use as a means of avoiding even a little pain when a patient is not terminally ill (Naga & Mrayyan, 2013). Euthanasia eliminates any chance that a patient may recover, which may be an interference of the natural course of events necessary for all human beings. However, healthcare professionals have the ethical duty to alleviate suffering. They are led by the premise to advocate for the patients. Essentially, they hold the responsibility of ensuring the preservation of human dignity. The suffering the terminally ill patients go through, especially with pain rips them of their human dignity (Naga & Mrayyan, 2013). It chips away their self-worth and self-respect as the disease chips on their organs. With a finality that these people are headed for death, the healthcare professionals, both nurses and physicians are ethically correct to issue to recommend euthanasia. However, even before authorizing the practice, they have the legal requirements to deal with. While some states in the United States agree to euthanasia as a measure of last resort, others find it a criminal offence. As much as the patient suffering makes it ethical, the law outlaws it makes. The law has the last call in the advancement of the practice. In a situation where the law allows the practice while the people find it unethical, the doctors may perform euthanasia as long as the patient or his or her guardians authorize it. For this reason, legal requirements take

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