Descartes Method Critical Thinking

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I agree with Descartes method. Asking questions of everything in order to be certain of something, it is the same as if you were preparing yourself for a debate. To look at the opposite side of things is intelligent. If you were on a walk in the woods and you came to a fork in the road. You must first look left or right. To the left you see a dark creepy forest with snakes and other creatures on the trail. To the right you see a beautiful sunshiny, paved path with flowers and butterflies. It is only common sense to look both ways before drawing a conclusion. Putnam’s answer to the skeptic with semantic externalism is also worthy of note. Agreeing with the fact that if we had no experiences with a brains or vats for that matter, how could that…show more content…
That in a sense both are right the person who is writing this term paper and the skeptic who says she does not know she is writing a paper. It’s the fact that the word “know” works in two different ways and so both become true. Where contextualism gets a little less nice and neat and starts to become more complicated would be interest-relative invariantism. This is whether or not someone knows something at a time (or has evidence for it) depends in part on what is at stake for that person at that time. Nagel uses an example where a co-worker runs into a fellow co-worker and asked if they know the supply room door is locked. The person answers that they know the door is locked because they locked it personally and didn’t see anyone go back there. Whereas the knowledge base changes in the case of a gun man in the building and an alternate exist is needed. The same person is asked if there is another way out of the building. This person knowing the other exist is throw the supply room, they respond with I locked door but it may not be locked. Nagel continues to say that the difference from contextualism is that IRI about how knowledge itself works, and that IRI is the best way of making sense of the relationship between knowledge and

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