Lane: A Short Story

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In a small town of 456, Avon, was a summertime haven for the kids that enjoyed swimming, baseball, and the occasional athletic camp. For this was especially true, however, he was lucky enough to have a family who especially loved horses. Lane, in the summer of 2004, was a pudgy 10 year old with a round face and plump cheeks that reminded you somewhat of a chipmunk. He was as naïve to most dangers as any other 10 year old, but he soon found out that the best days can quickly turn sour. The summer before Lane started second grade with his twin sister, his family made the decision to buy a home in town with a one acre lot attached to the property. The Myer family, loving horses, thought this was a perfect situation; living right across from…show more content…
Molly was a thick built palomino, and when the sun was shining, her beautiful cream-colored coat sparkled like a diamond in the sun. The best part about her, though, was she was with foal and due in early May. Lane could not have anticipated the excitement that shot through him when his father came home one day and said she had finally foaled. She gave birth to a beautiful sorrel colt who loved to run, buck, and play, which led to his name, Buck. One sunny, Saturday morning, Lane’s mom decided it would be a good day to bring the horses back to the house to graze the lot, so she enrolled Lane and his twin sister to come help her bring three of the horses down. Lane chose to lead his sister’s horse, Boo, and she led his horse, Molly. Lane’s mother had her hands full with a young 2 year old filly, so she decided to let Buck just follow them. They were almost to the house when Buck, giddy with excitement, starting running and bucking around and darted up out of the ditch right in front of Lane. As soon as he saw the flash of red colt across his face and felt the thud of the kick, he knew he was hurt bad. Sprinting to the house, leaving a trail of blood with each step, the only thing he could think about was what he had done to deserve such…show more content…
It wasn’t until Lane and his mother saw the look of the nurses that he realized the extent of his injuries. After multiple x-rays, the doctors decided that they were not prepared or qualified to help Lane with the repair of his face. The kick caught Lane directly in between his lower and upper jaws, splitting the distance almost exactly, and it cut him almost all the way into his mouth. The doctors were also worried that everything wasn’t where it was supposed to be in his face and they wanted to be extra careful to ensure his sinuses would stay in place. After making the seemingly endless trek twenty-five miles to Yankton, Lane was wheeled into the first available emergency room and brought up to speed. He went in for surgery and got a ‘face lift’. A little lower on his face and he surely would have broken his jaw; any higher and the doctors could only speculate. It would have certainly broken Lane’s cheekbone, but the doctors thought the most likely result would have at least been the loss of an
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