Ethics In Healthcare Organizations Essay

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Ethics in Healthcare Organizations Healthcare organizations, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals have a duty to provide a safe environment for patients. Due to financial pressures, patient safety and quality improvement issues, payor expectations, higher patient expectations, hospital closures and mergers, and changes related to health care reform, healthcare workers and organizations are having to find ways to deal with ethical dilemmas. This paper will show that doctors, nurses, and other professionals whom are competent at their task, complete ethical training, able to show empathy toward others, and incorporate empowerment and ethics into the their decisions have the ability to affect a patient’s health and satisfaction. Healthcare organizations are responsible for the quality of care their staff provide and must ensure that staff are competent. “Competence can be defined as the ability to perform a specific task in a manner that yields desirable outcomes (Neeraj Kak, 2001).” A competent employee uses a combination of practical…show more content…
Healthcare organizations should create a culture that fosters ethical decision making, offer educational programs to staff to include physians, and have a way for ethical concerns to be addressed. It is in the organizations best interest to to provide mandatory ethical training to all employees. Not only does this training give the employee tools and resources to identify unethical behavior but, they know the company is serious about ethics (Mann). Some core ethical values of health care professionals include the following: integrity, confidentiality, compassion, truthfulness, respect, and consistency. As changes take place in today’s healthcare industry, patient-healthcare clinicians (staff and physicians) relationships are imperative in the delivery of services (Povar, Blumen, Daniel, & Daub,

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