Cadet Officer Application

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It is amazing how one moment in your life, can change it forever. I decided to apply to a cadet/explorers program at the Topeka Police Station, and I did not realize at the time, that doing so would make me realize what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. My application had barely got reviewed in time to take the upcoming classes and be accepted into to the cadet program. I received a call from Sergeant Cross two days before the first meeting asking me to attend that upcoming Monday night, excitement overwhelmed me for I had worked hard on my application, and really wanted in the program. I proceeded to call Sergeant Cross back and inform her that I would attend the meeting. I honestly, was slightly confused if I had actually been accepted…show more content…
It took all of my strength not to jump up in even more excitement. As everyone slowly got up and headed out the door I was wide eyed and ready to go. Sergeant Cross took the lead showing us around and she did a really good job. We saw some things that most people would find boring, like offices, the cafeteria, quiet rooms, and the garage, but me, I started to look at everything thinking that this is where I want to spend the next 30 years of my life. As we walked down the hallway Sergeant Cross ran into one of the canine unit officers and asked if he would be willing to do a little demonstration with his dog, he said it would have to be quick but he would do it. I giant grin spread across my face. I love animals, so not only was I getting a tour of where I was thinking of working, but I would get to see a dog too, I could not have been more excited. We watched the dog find a drug scented towel, it was amazing. We finished touring the station and ended back in the room where we started. I had decided, this was it, this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Helping people every day, granted I knew the risk. One topic discussed in the classroom was fallen officers, and I, as well as many others in the room, got very emotional. This night changed me forever. I no longer was thinking about being a police officer, but was determined to do whatever it took to wear that uniform, and protect the people in my community every

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