Aileen Killer Research Paper

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Running Head: Aileen WuornosSerial Killer Aileen WuornosSerial Killer [Name of the Author] [Name of the Institute] [Date] Abstract This paper looks at the inward workings of female serial executioners, a theme of discourse that is ignored in the criminal equity group. These quiet executioners kill their victimized people and keep on murdering until they are at long last gotten, which persuades that they would never quit executing if the shot of getting got was thin. Interestingly enough these ladies are right the shot of getting got is more prominent for their male partners and after that can without much of a stretch escape everyone's notice. As an uncommon breed, female serial executioners have been as of late put into the media's consideration, yet these ladies are not simply going forward into the spotlight they have stood firm behind society's drapes for at some point now. In this way, this paper starts by presenting definitional issues, and the natural, mental and social learning points of view society has set on these females. It looks at the life of Aileen Wuornos female serial executioners and her street to demolition. Likewise, this proposition offers proposals for treatment and anticipation of best…show more content…
Aileen never reached her father, Leo Pittman, since he divided from her mother before she was conceived (Levin and Fox, 2011). It makes one accept that qualities assume a part in which we get to be since Leo was a "schizophrenic" and was sentenced for attacking a seven-year-old young lady. Also, Leo decided to end his life while in jail having not assumed a part or impact in Aileen's life. In examination, Diane Pratt was not a superior guardian; she was adolescent and not prepared for the obligation of raising a tyke, so she gave Aileen and her more established sibling to her maternal grandparents for them to deal with her

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