Dance Ethnography

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I am one of the most strangely diverse dancers to ever pass through my high school. I have been a ballerina since preschool. Ballet is my forte, and my dance studio just assumed that my life would lead me down a ballet path. Then in high school, I joined a hip-hop dance team. I instantly fell in love with hip-hop. It is on the opposite spectrum of dance styles as ballet. In ballet class, I was always taught that at every single instant my body had to be in one of the positions, my legs had to be turned out, and my toes had to be completely pointed. At my first practice for the dance team, my captains repeatedly insisted that it was alright for me to let loose and just let my body flow through the motions, rather than doing each move with precise…show more content…
None of us could believe that dance existed outside of ballet. My first year on the team, I was put in the back of every formation, my captains hoping they could hide the ballerina behind all of the good dancers. It was not until my junior year that my captains stopped me in the middle of a dance to complement how un-ballerina-like I was dancing. The same girl that was hidden in the back for every formation was now standing next to the captain for “Team Lilman Anthem”, one of the most difficult and rhythmic songs in the entire routine. Throughout my junior and the beginning of my senior year, I have learned how to separate my ballerina-self from my hip-hop-self. My first year on the team, I never wanted people watching me while I did the routine, now I am doing the “Bet You Can't Do It Like Me Challenge” with the same incredible black hip-hop dancers who used to make fun of me for hip-hoping like a ballerina. Whether in ballet class or in my school free periods, my friends are amazed when I can instantly switch from my ballet solo to a freestyle battle with my friends from my dance
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