Stereotypes In Frankenstein

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Media is not always the place to go for accurate depictions of society. Countries, towns, schools, families, and people are all shown in ways which may not represent real life. Unfortunately, media has been extremely callous in its portrayal of LGBT characters. Both the LGBT community and the creature in Frankenstein are stereotyped into one type of flat character, as demonstrated when they are discriminated against by society. LGBT characters’ sexualities are used as their main characterization point in media, and are stereotyped as a result. People who identify as LGBT are lacking in media portrayal, which negatively affects their characterization and impacts those just discovering their sexuality. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual,…show more content…
84% of the LGBT characters portrayed in movies in 2014 were white (Smith, Choueit, Pieper, 2014). In television, 74% of LGBT characters were white (GLAAD, 2014). People of color are routinely sidelined in media, and LGBT people of color are no different. According to a survey by Pew Research Center, 66% of LGBT people are white, and 34% are people of color. The ratio of white LGBT characters to LGBT people of color is clearly skewed, showing how media does not accurately show the amount of non-white LGBT people. LGBT characters do not have to be white, and different ethnicities would not affect their portrayal, as shown by Annalise Keating in How to Get Away with Murder and Joey Gutierrez in Agents of SHIELD. LGBT characters are also portrayed in a single, stereotypical manner, similar to how creature is shown in one way in Frankenstein’s adaptations in media. Gay men, for example, are portrayed often as flamboyant and having feminine characteristics, while bisexuals are seen as promiscuous. People can have different traits and mannerisms, regardless of sexual orientation, but people who use media as their only way to learn about LGBT people grow up not knowing more about the world around them. Media has shown the creature as a tall monster named Frankenstein that terrorized cities, while the creature from the novel only killed people close to his maker and was well- educated. Both the LGBT community and the creature are portrayed in only one way, which is not always accurate. The lack of diversity in LGBT characters’ ethnicity and personalities shows how marginalized they are in
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