Curriculum Development Process

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\section{Proposed Process The proposed evolutionary curriculum development process borrows from some already established practices in software development process methodologies. Then it redefines those practices into a curriculum development process that enables better management of curriculum reconstruction projects. The whole life-cycle of a curriculum development process will be managed with the use of methods from the overall software development life-cycle that these methodologies propose. The Rational Unified Process (RUP)\cite{kruchten_rational_2004 was chosen as a model process, because it is known to address the biggest issues and risks first, while actively managing changes in requirements, ensuring overall process and artifact trace-ability…show more content…
After curricula are accredited and enrollment starts, they collaborate in the implementation and deployment of the curricula proposals in specific courses. Three main principles lead this effort: Free exchange of ideas -- everyone has the right to have a voice, at a systematically defined point in time; Joint collaborative and open effort -- not a competitive one Iterative process that welcomes discussion and change, ensuring trace-ability between results and requirements. A Steering Committee (SC) consisting of Process Engineers and Quality Assurance Managers controls the process and ensures the other members follow the proposed workflows. The process itself resembles the typical phases and objectives from the RUP as used in software projects, setup for an evolutionary development. Phase 1: Inception -- Seed…show more content…
The objectives and learning goals are mapped with respect to curriculum guidelines, preferably with a week-by-week curriculum mapping. Program Construction Step 2: Prerequisites receive special second focus, graphs of inter-dependencies are constructed and analyzed as a mandatory part of the process in order to investigate possible deadlocks, non-pass or delay-provoking constraints in the study program overall. Curriculum Construction Step 2: Revision of the contents is performed based on the program-level decisions. Curriculum mapping is refined based on the new contents. Debate: Final implementation level contents, graphs and maps are frozen and discussion is started by participants from all groups (also representatives from student boards and organizations). The curriculum proposals have already received a pass in Phase 2, so this discussion focuses on checks over newly added details, especially prerequisites and inter-dependencies. Week-by-week program-level investigation is performed to detect possible overload -- too many exams or too many assignments at the same
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