Pros And Cons Of Scrum

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crum is a widely accepted Agile methodology for management and control of software projects; it is optimized to create product iterations on a regular basis. Scrum prospers by the well-defined user stories that can be accomplished and delivered separately, and it also leaves the decision to the team – how much to work during a sprint. Scrum applies common sense artifacts, such as the practice of daily stand-up meetings during which the team members will report on what they’ve done since the last stand-up. Advantages There are many pros of the Scrum method. In brief, it works well and it is efficient. Many successfully accomplished projects prove that this agile approach is superior over the classical waterfall methodology. Even the project…show more content…
Sprint retrospective: There are several Scrum events, but the Sprint retrospective is one of the most important from the team’s and framework improvement perspective. The retrospective is a proper artifact to reflect back and recheck both the team and the framework itself. Drawbacks Scum has also some drawbacks, and the most obvious one is that Scrum is a strictly defined method and the team members should rigorously follow its principles, events, and deliverables. Additional customization: The method itself should be more improved and customized in certain projects because our environment is constantly changing. Software development process, by its nature, is agile and there is a large number of dynamic components. Strictness: The strictness of the method is one of the key drawbacks. You are not allowed to hold more than one Sprint Review meeting in a sprint. The team size is limited from three up to nine members, for it to be called Scrum, and so on. The Scrum method defines the roles, responsibilities, events and…show more content…
In this section, we’ll elaborate some unseemly aspects of Scrum. Focus on the framework and speed: Scrum only defines the methodology, but not the team members that are following it. The focus is on speed and getting things done, and it does not talk about human resource management. The agile approach also asks for individuals and interactions. There should be more attention paid to people than just attending sprint planning, daily scrums, doing their work, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. Backlog: The product backlog is not necessarily a bad artifact; in some cases, when the team is experienced, it is mostly glared upon. If some items do not fit into a sprint, they are usually put into a backlog, in some cases, never to be looked at again. A good backlog is a sign of a living healthy product. Even the prioritization and clarification of the items in the backlog is sometimes a

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