Cluster Analysis Literature Review

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LITERATURE REVIEW In principle, cluster studies are excellent analytical tools to better understand how individual economies are structured, especially their specializations and the role of clusters in the economy in general (Hertog et al., 2001, EU 2007). The categorization of cluster analysis has appeared as a hybrid discipline that includes economic, geographic and management studies. Therefore, a standard approach for cluster analysis has not yet been established within this field and there is only a limited number of common procedures. By opening the range of choices, we find that some of them rely on qualitative information, others rely on economic models and are based on statistical methods. Nevertheless, cluster analyses can “[…] provide…show more content…
On the other hand, quantitative (meso-level) analysis is more likely to make use of secondary statistic source (e.g. employment data). Nevertheless, both methods have their limits. Bearing in mind that micro-level studies depend on external legitimacy since the results are not representative for all regions or for all industries in a specific region. On the other hand, meso-level studies are limited by problems of availability and comparability of data. We should combine both methodologies if we want to excel these limits and fully understand the dynamics of cluster behaviour. Going beyond, all commitments to determine the cluster mapping can be differentiated from the approach used to allocate individual industries to specific cluster categories. Indeed, this technique was used in the past mainly…show more content…
Before going through the various details of the study methodology, some basic observations on cluster analysis should be made to allow you to better understand the planned procedure. Successively, when choosing a mapping method, an important aspect must always be taken into consideration namely data availability. In fact, the availability of data will be examined and the various measures to be used for quantitative analysis will be explained. Cluster mapping is a key aspect of cluster evaluation, as it provides a detailed fact-based analysis of local competitiveness and concentration of economic activity. It is based on sectoral and cross-sectoral regional data analysis. The cluster mapping provided by the Russian Cluster Observatory places Russian cluster data, based on the latest cluster definitions, in a wider contest than other cluster-related data and locations, and important for cluster competitiveness. The Russian Custer Observatory website provides a toolkit set on the data of these measurements: - Measure of specialization and size, which are the core of existing cluster mapping; - The regional context, which includes a competitiveness scenario for the region and the regional presence of relevant clusters; - Other structural factors such as the structure of companies in

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