Cultural Norms At Work

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My mom always spoke spanish at home so we won't lose touch with our language and culture. The beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society, this defines Culture. Social Organization at work can be an element of Culture. We follow norms at work and make sure that everyone follows the law, A law is a norm that is written down and enforced by an official agency. Violating a law results in a specific punishment. Throughout generations in the united states and places throughout the united states languages are different, For Example, I had spoken to my brother who had just been release from incarceration. He was so accustomed the prison society that he did not understand my use of words due…show more content…
Anything to represent express and stand for an event situation is a symbol basically something that is beneficial to the community that it is in. For example, Starbucks in New york is a cultural symbol because it is a representation of the community (coffee, socializing, relaxation) Similarly, Detroit is called the "Motor City", because the General Motors plant in Detroit is a cultural symbol as it represents the Detroit community.A cultural tradition is something like the gay pride parade in The United States of America. It is a tradition that a large community is proud…show more content…
It is not illegal to break the norms, the norms are understood and it makes people uncomfortable when others don't follow the normal rules in society. They're the types of things parents instill in their kids when they're small. To break some norms like, walk down a crowded stairway on the left side instead of the right. Also, in an elevator, put your back against the door so that you're making eye contact with the people in the elevator. Wear a sandal on one foot and a boot on another - or wear pajamas in public. Go to a fast food place and sit (uninvited) at someone else's table to eat. When coming up with different ideas, think about the way small children act in public as they have not been accustomed of all the norms yet. Anything getting importance in our daily lives becomes our values. Values can come hereditary also, we gain them from elders, books & parents. Values are principles a person, a society, or an organization cares about. If you are a member of a scholarly family, your parents' values may include hard work, achievement, and learning. Someone else's parents may value adventure, travel, and physical fitness. Unless people talk about their values it's hard to know what they are, and even then it may be just talk, or what they wish their values were. People say they

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