Cross Country Research Paper

901 Words4 Pages
A runner standing on the line, a cool breeze swirls the leaves around and the fans begin to cheer and the adrenaline begins to build. There is nothing like standing on the line waiting for the gun to go off to begin a cross country race. Running the race is even better because of the team and the bond that is built. From cross country, many lessons are taught that last a lifetime. Memories made while participating in this sport are sure to last forever. Cross country is the best sport because it creates an incredible team bond, it teaches qualities and characteristics helpful in everyday life, and the memories made will never be forgotten. After practicing all through June, July, and after school from August through November and spending…show more content…
Running is a lifestyle that requires hard work and dedication. This sport teaches important morals that can be used in life. Hard work is demanded in cross country. Although sometimes a runner just wants to sit on the couch and enjoy a glass of lemonade and the air conditioning, they must lace up their shoes and head out into the sweltering heat and run. Putting in mileage and forming a good foundation for the upcoming season is essential. Another example of hard work in cross country is putting in 100% effort into every workout. As they say, practice makes perfect. Sometimes a runner might not feel the best, but thinking about a goal, such as making it to the state meet, can encourage them to push themselves in the workout. Dedication is also expected. Attending practice every day can seem tedious but it is necessary. Sometimes a runner needs to give up Friday night plans in order to relax and prepare for the race the next morning. In the same way a runner also must know better than to make plans on a Saturday because they will be at a meet all day. Getting up at five in the morning does not sound appealing, but it is necessary in order to get to the meet and prepare for the race. As runners are working hard at establishing important qualities, they are also having fun and making memories that will last a
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