Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King's Speech

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Aspiration is one of the most essential feature required for at risk youth to see success as an option in their lives. King's’ speech gives hope to people for the duration of the Civil War that African Americans will receive all the privileges they deserve. Dr. King states in his speech: “I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor’s lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers” (King 637-638). King gives hope to the audience that they would one day be treated as equals and walk side by side with all the…show more content…
The speech gives hope to African American that one day they will live in an american utopian community. Dr. King’s words helps citizens to fight against racial discrimination and believe that they will have better tomorrow. Likewise, aspiration can help at risk adolescents to have better expectation for their future. Wes Moore states: “Levy would be entering the Job Corps as a high school dropout but was hoping to leave with a general equivalency diploma (GED) and the skills to help him land a job as a hot-water-boiler repairman” ( Moore 139). The program like Job Corps helps to guide youngsters on the right path. If Wes Moore have not join the Job Corps then he would probably be on the streets selling drugs. Drugs dealing have put the lives of people who he cares about as well as his life at risk. On the other hand, the program gives hope that his family will have a better future. One day he will be able to support his family with the money he earn with honesty. Job Corps gives Wes hope that his future will be much better than what it is now. The skills that Wes acquired help him change his future, as well as the future of his
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