Rogoberto Sabio's A Train

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This story is about a sixteen-year-old boy named Keron (Keno”) Thomas, AKA (“A Train”) by his close friends, who had an obsession with subway trains. He did not have this obsession until he moved to New York from Trinidad in 1990 when he was twelve years old. When he saw them for the first time he fell in love with the big, cruising, squealing monsters. He wanted to learn all he could about them so he got his hands on a Transit Authority Rule and Regulations book and learned everything he could. In addition to reading and studying the rule and regulation book he rode the train all the time just for fun. He learned the talk of the motorman and befriended one by the name of Rogoberto Sabio. Sabio did not know that Keno was a teen; he thought that he was older because of his large…show more content…
On Saturday, May 8, 1993, Keno, who was wearing a subway motorman’s shirt and safety vest, walked into the 207th St. station in Inwood, where the train’s crew was assigned. He had called earlier using Sabio’s name and identification number offering to work overtime. The City Transit Police did not detect anything out of the ordinary other than Keno was wearing jeans, so they gave him a route. Keno studied that route thoroughly before leaving that day. The trip went well until the end of the route when the train went down an incline going faster than the 20 mph speed limit. Before Keron was able to slow it down the train went through a speeding signal, which triggered an emergency brake. When the train stopped, Keno was too scared to go down in the tunnel to release the emergency brake so he had to wait until a rail inspector arrived and reset it and restarted the train. When Keno arrived back at the terminal he was suppose to report to a mandatory drug test, but he ran away before reaching the terminal. Later, Keno was tracked down at his parent’s house in Brooklyn. It was not until that time did the authorities determine his

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