Between Shades Of Grey Essay

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Between Shades of Gray is a historical Fiction book. The author is Ruta Sepetys. She is the daughter of a Lithuanian refugee so she can personally relate to the story, which is why she wrote it. It is an eye opening tale based on the account of peoples tales told that were alive during world war two in the Lithuanian location. Between Shades of grey is about a young Lithuanian girl named Lina Vilkas. It is taking place during World War two, 1941. She is about 15 years old. One peaceful night, Lina and her family was disturbed at their home by a loud knock on the door. Once Lina’s mother checks the door, the family Is bombarded by the NVKD, who were soviet officers. She becomes separated from her father. She is forced on a train that is packed…show more content…
Stalin has made it so they are living In brutal conditions with barely enough food to survive. The camp where temperatures can easily reach below freezing on a consistent basis. There are many different characters in this story that are worthy of noting. My favorite character from the novel Between Shades of Gray would have to be the Main character Lina or the guard Kretzsky, and I will explain why for both. I believe that Lina is a wonderful human being, and for all that she has endured she is a very strong willed person. She is also using art and other means to express herself which in my opinion is very difficult to do, especially in such a difficult time such as World War two. I could never imagine growing up as a teenager in such a hard time. The most horrific thing to think is that the rations of food they got were pieces of bread which is not sufficient enough to operate properly, especially when doing physical labor in freezing temperatures. No matter what happened Lina never lost hope and tried to instill this attitude in her peers. What really showed me that she never loses hope is when she got moved to go to the northern arctic circle camp Altai with her mother and brother, but not with her father and her boyfriend

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