Creative Writing: The Fault In Our Star

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Frank Herbert once said, "There is no real ending. It's the place where you stop the story." Writing a unique yet interesting novel ending is tricky, especially when the writer needs to consider the different aspects of the story. Another thing the writer must consider is his or her target audience, since it is impossible to please everyone. Lastly, the structure of the plot must be taken into account, since this is what sets the novel apart from others. However, the ending is where one can truly see the writing prowess of an author for it can be regarded as the most difficult part to write. There are many ways in which an author can wrap up their words, namely, the Explicit or Happy Ending, the Long View Ending, and the Tragic Ending. Most…show more content…
According to Orlofsky (n.d.), "Death can be a cheap way to achieve closure." (Para.2.). However, many authors still love writing tragic endings. An ending can be classified as tragic if something bad happened to the protagonist. This kind of ending usually becomes remarkable, especially when the story itself is unique. One of the endings that can be labeled as tragic is when the protagonist or an important character dies. A novel called "The Fault in our Star" has countless readers because the story tells about the life of two cancer patients who fell in love with each other. Hazel Grace, a cancer patient, met Augustus Waters, a cancer survivor, in a sport group, and they became friends and later a couple. They spent their remaining time together until Augustus died of complications. In the end, Hazel mourned Augustus' death but later on, she accepted it. (Green, 2012) Another tragic ending is when the protagonist got into a life-changing accident. The novel "If I Stay" is an example of this. The novel's plot revolves Round the life of Mia before and after the the catastrophic car accident that happened to her family. The novel ended with Mia still in the Intensive Care Unit, fighting for her life with Adam, her boyfriend, right beside her, telling her to fight. ( Forman, 2009) Even though a tragic ending can really hurt one's feelings, the readers will come to believe that everything happened for a

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