points to several factors in the post-Cold War period that prompted the regional integration movement in East Asia; in the field of economy, a rapid rise of production networks across the region increased the rate of interdependence; Asian Financial Crisis of 1977 set the anchor on the regional integration movement, while the rise of China and its changes to policies of reform and openness contributed a lot to quickening the pace of it; regional integration movements in other regions—such as in Europe
CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTION “History has come to a stage when the moral man, the complete man, is more and more giving way, almost without knowing it, to make room for the commercial man, the man of limited purpose. This process aided by the wonderful progress in science, is assuming gigantic proportion and power causing the upset of man’s moral balance, obscuring his human side under the shadow of soul-less organization.”- Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism, 1917. Aristotle felt that the purpose of