Joy In The Midst Of My Pain Poem Analysis

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Lyrical Voice By: Lakella L. Taylor And Frankie Fipps Joy in the Midst of my Pain By: Lakella L. Taylor God give me the strength I need to go on My heart is wailing, sorrowful My soul lies driven in by the tide of despair. Lord lift up my heart; lift up my soul, save me From my affliction and pain. For great is my love for thee. For thy art my joy in the midst of my pain. A Piece of Art By: Lakella L. Taylor A piece of art Vague and shallow, all dark and gloomy Misunderstood and mistaken A piece of art Beautiful in all simplicity Light and airy Different yet familiar Flawed yet flawless Right yet wrong Colorful and shiny…show more content…
Taylor Yes, yes I have heard it all before. Those three words open the door The door to a chamber of lies and heart break. Heart break that I’ve known I’ve felt. I’ve witnessed. I love you. What do you me? What do you love to love about me? Is it my skin which glows like brown sugar cane? Is it my body, all curved and petite? Is it my lips, thick and full? Is it my eyes that sparkle like cider in the radiant sunshine? What do you love to love about me? Can’t imagine? Dare to imagine? Can’t fathom the uniqueness That supposedly sets me apart from all the rest. Just a matter of regret Regret that I’ve fallen so many times For an empty three word line I love you. Then what do you love to love about me. Peering Well By: Lakella L. Taylor Go down to the well and I draw water. Night is approaching as I draw. The stars are glistening from afar. Headed back home pail in hand, Looking forward to tomorrow, So I may do it again. Peering Well Like a dark night The well provides for my life. It’s a place where I can confide All my troubles and fears aside. Like an exotic paradise My soul it enlightens. It’s a source of vitality. Peering well Lets me see what’s…show more content…
It’s the Gift By: Lakella L. Taylor (Davenport) It’s the gift of peace That makes our lives bearable It’s the gift of friendship That makes you feel accepted. It’s the gift of touch That enables you to reach out to others. It’s the gift of giving That allows us to make someone’s day a little brighter. It’s the gift of joy That allows us to enjoy life. It’s the gift of sound That enables us to hear. It’s the gift of unity That allows us to come together as one. It’s the gift of love that makes the world go round. Life Is By: Lakella L. Taylor (Davenport) Life is not picnic Everything is not laid out on a platter. Life is not

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