Cost Overrun In Construction Projects

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Cost Overruns in Construction Projects MUHAMMAD KIFLI (141910301045) KLS D 1. Introducing The purpose of every construction company is to earn money and mane profit at the end of each project. Achieyement of this goal mainly depends on completing projects within the anticipated budget, time, and expexted quality targets. However the costs overrun usually happen in construction projects due to many factors. Every construction company can be affected by cost overruns if it happens in their projects. Cost overrun is the use of costs that exceed the project budget. Swelling of project costs. This type of risk is most commonly encountered by various types of projects, especially large-scale projects (mega projects), such as: infrastructure, toll…show more content…
Items omitted from initial project estimates due to inadequate design or coverage often result in order changes, which increases the cost as well as the delivery time. Many public projects are an extension of the previous project, and inaccuracies in estimating project costs and timing of construction may lead to sequencing of related projects or stages in the project. The main purpose of this research is to know the cost overruns on the construction project 2. Literature Review Table 1, showing the results of the correlation analysis for this group of studies, shows that the percentage change in contract costs is higher. Similarly, sewer construction has the highest percentage change in contract costs, and pavement repair has the lowest rate. Then, Findings from several related studies are summarized in Table 2. The amount of construction costs overruns in different types and sizes of public works DBB projects. The methodology used by the literature authors reviewed has an effect on the data processing for this study. 3. Research…show more content…
3.4 Statistical Analysis The performance metrics analyzed for this study were construction cost overrun. Equation were used to calculate construction cost. Consider Construction Cost Overrun = ( (Actual Construction Cost−Award Construction Cost)× (Award Construction Cost)−1) × 100 The data were analyzed by using a one factor variance analysis (ANOVA) to compare the sample mean and determine the main effect of construction cost factor and schedule overruns. Factors to consider are category variables; Therefore, ANOVA test is used to determine the effect of these variables. The confidence level for analysis is set at 95%, since statistical analyzes done within this range are deemed acceptable to the construction community. 4. Result Based on anova test data are described below. 4.1 Results of One-Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The test results show that only the construction schedule that is flooded on three occasions has a significance level of less than 0.05. So, only the invaded construction schedules do not have the same variance. If the values in the population are normally distributed, the test results will not be affected, since istic statistics are strong enough to violate this
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